Widening the front rims
On season 2014 I was running with 8.5" rims in the front. To get the "fitment" right a 30mm wide spacer was used. But looking at the front and the rear rims the "depth" was different. I wanted to go wider with the fronts. I sourced some lips on german E-bay, and the rims became 9" wide.
All I had to do was undo 64 bolts, split the lips apart from the barrels and after changing the lips assemble everything back. Yeah it took some time, but seeing the result motivated me to finish the second rim :)
Below you can see the difference between a 8.5" and a 9" rim, though the difference is only about 12mm. We'll be using a smaller adapter (21mm) and the wheel will sit the same according to the fender. But this time the wheel will be wider.
Will be waiting for the view on the car :)